Urban October
Urban October is an opportunity for everyone to be part of the conversation about the challenges and opportunities created by the fast rate of change in our cities and towns.
In October of 2023, UN-Habitat explored the theme of economic development as a vehicle for productive futures.
Urban October was developed to raise awareness, promote participation, generate knowledge, and engage the international community in creating a better urban future.
During Urban October this year around 520 online, hybrid and physical events focused on improving life in our cities and towns took place around the world.
Urban October is an opportunity for everyone to be part of the conversation about the challenges and opportunities created by the fast rate of change in our cities and towns.
Urban October 2019 celebrated around the world
During Urban October some 60 events took place both in Brazil and the USA (over 30 in New York), China hosted 40, India over 20 and 10 in Kenya. UN-Habitat appeared in 48.8 million article views with…
World Habitat Day
World Habitat Day is marked on the first Monday of October each year and is recognized by the United Nations to reflect on the state of towns and cities, and on the basic right of all to adequate…
World Habitat Day is held on the first Monday of October and launches Urban October. The day centers around the global observance, which is held in a different country each year with keynote speakers…
World Habitat Day was held on the first Monday of October and launched Urban October. The day centered around the global observance, which was held in a different country each year with keynote…
The Global Observance of World Habitat Day 2021 was held in the capital of Cameroon, Yaoundé, on 4 October.
The theme of World Cities Day 2020 was Valuing our communities and cities. There were 78 events in 39 countries and 70 cities with the first Global Observance of World Cities Day in Africa hosted by…
The theme of World Habitat Day 2019 was Frontier technologies as an innovative tool to transform waste to wealth with the Global Observance being held in Mexico City.
The theme of World Habitat Day 2018 was Municipal Solid Waste Management held in Nairobi, Kenya on 1 October 2018.
World Habitat Day 2016 was held on 3 October 2016, under the theme – Housing at the center.
World Habitat Day 2015 was held on 5 October 2015, under the theme – Public Spaces for All.
World Habitat Day 2014 was held on 6 October 2014, under the theme – Voices from Slums.
World Habitat Day 2013 was held on 7 October 2013, under the theme – Urban Mobility.
World Habitat Day 2012 was held on 1 October 2012, under the theme – Changing Cities, Building Opportunities. The main celebration was hosted by Embu Town in Kenya.
World Habitat Day 2011 was held on 3 October 2011, under the theme – Cities and Climate Change. The United Nations chose the theme Cities and Climate Change was chosen because climate change is fast…
World Habitat Day 2010 was held on 4 October 2010, under the theme – Better City, Better Life.
World Habitat Day 2009 was held on 5 October 2009, under the theme – Planning our urban future. The United Nations chose this theme to raise awareness of the need to improve urban planning to deal…
World Habitat Day 2008 was held on 6 October 2008, under the theme – Harmonious Cities.
World Habitat Day 2007 was held on 1 October 2007, under the theme – A safe city is a just city.
World Habitat Day 2006 was held on 2 October 2006 under the theme – Cities, Magnets of Hope. This theme was chosen to remind all of us that the world is witnessing the greatest migration in its…
World Habitat Day 2005 was held on 3 October 2005, under the theme – The Millennium Development Goals and the City.
World Cities Day
World Cities Day brings Urban October to an end on 31 October each year and was first celebrated in 2014. As with World Habitat Day, a global observance is held in a different city each year and the…
World Cities Day brings Urban October to an end on 31 October each year and was first celebrated in 2014. As with World Habitat Day, a global observance is held in a different city each year and the…
World Cities Day brings Urban October to an end on 31 October each year and was first celebrated in 2014. As with World Habitat Day, a global observance is held in a different city each year and the…
Urban October ended with worldwide celebrations of World Cities Day on 31 October. The theme for World Cities Day 2021 was Adapting Cities for Climate Resilience and coincided with the…
The theme of World Habitat Day 2020 was Housing For All: A better Urban Future, and the Global Observance was hosted by the city of Surabaya, in Indonesia.
The theme of World Cities Day 2019 was Changing the world: Innovations and a better life for future generations with the Global Observance held in Ekaterinburg. It was held for the first time in…
The theme of World Cities Day 2018 was Building Sustainable and Resilient Cities with the Global Observance held in Liverpool, United Kingdom.
World Cities Day 2016 was of great significance to UN-Habitat, having taken place a few days after the Habitat III Conference.
World Cities Day 2015 was celebrated under the theme – Designed to live together. Cities designed to live together create opportunities, enable connection and interaction, and facilitate sustainable…
The inaugural World Cities Day 2014 was celebrated under the theme – Leading Urban Transformations, which focused on redefining the urban paradigm for future generations and empowering people to…