Registration Form

We thank you for your interest to register for World Habitat Day. The registration is now closed. You can follow the live online proceedings via the programme of day with Zoom links or Join via Live YouTube link.
WHD 2021 MORNING SESSION: High-Level Opening Ceremony of the Global Observance of the World Habitat Day 2021
Meeting ID: 854 3736 2698 Passcode: 062262
WHD 2021 AFTERNOON SESSION: World Habitat Day 2021 Roundtables:
WHD 2021 ROUNDTABLE 1: Renewable Resources for Urban Climate Mitigation
Meeting ID: 876 4552 6445 Passcode: 287605
WHD 2021 ROUNDTABLE 2: Clean Cities for everyone - moving to a zero carbon and waste World
Meeting ID: 812 0423 4573 Passcode: 249516
WHD 2021 ROUNDTABLE 3: Urban Climate Action through low-Carbon Planning and Mobility
Meeting ID: 898 5384 3044 Passcode: 612206
WHD 2021 ROUNDTABLE 4: Climate change financing in African Cities: Bridging the Financing Gaps for Climate Resilient Urbanization in Africa
Meeting ID: 824 1972 8822 Passcode: 058594