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Using data to design public policies for Alagoas

The second course in the Project’s Training Programme, “Using data to design public policies for Alagoas” aims to present the data and tools produced through the Visão Alagoas 2030, a partnership between UN-Habitat and the State Government of Alagoas. The event consisted of theoretical debates and strategic dynamics about the practical use of the Alagoas Public Policy Observatory (OPP/AL), the City Prosperity Index (IPC), the Participatory Rapid Map (MRP), and the Socioeconomic Profile of the grotas and the lagoon region of Maceió — products developed by UN-Habitat focused on producing data and indicators for the 102 municipalities of Alagoas and the vulnerable territories of the capital. The aim is to provide the knowledge needed to use qualified data and information to support the formulation and improvement of public policies in the state, as well as highlighting the importance of evidence to guide decision-making and promoting more sustainable results for the development of Alagoas.

Name of Organization
United Nations Human Settlements Programme
Event City and Country
Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil
Event Date

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Event location
POINT (-35.717239 -9.648139)