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Online consultation on Her City toolbox

Activity Description

On World Cities Day an online consultation will be launched to test and provide input on a range of digital tools that will be gathered in the Her City toolbox. The international expert group consists of multi-stakeholders such as municipalities, regions, researchers, private sector, civil society, grassroots and citizens.

The purpose of Her City toolbox is to further develop, publish, and implement methods and tools that contribute to increased equality and inclusion in urban development, and that support the implementation of SDG 3, 5, 10, 11 and 17. The objective is to provide a digital platform in order to increase capacity of end users (politicians, city planners, real estate companies etc.) to create accessible, inclusive and equal public places. A significant number of municipalities see the need for new approaches to public space planning and design and the toolbox will assist in creating public places that fullfil the needs of everyone, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity or background.

Her City toolbox is the second phase of the #UrbanGirlsMovement initiative financed by the Swedish Innovation agency Vinnova. It is a cooperation project between the independent Swedish think tank Global Utmaning (Global Challenge) and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat).

Partner Organizations

  • Global Utmaning, UN-Habitat

Names and Titles of Speakers

  • Tove Julin and Thomas Melin, Global Utmaning
Event City and Country
Stockholm, Sweden
Event Date

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