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Video: "Whatever you do today, will make tomorrow better"

Activity Description

This activity will be coordinated by the Environmental Education and Culture Centre (CECA) of the Metroolitan Agency for Urban Forests of the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area (AMBU).

It is a direct invitation for local artists to join in a joint video that will be shown in a small closing event and will remain as CECA's audiovisual material in the AMBU. Where they will demonstrate by exhibiting their art, how they contribute to improving the environment of their city. It can be with a verse, a sentence, a reading, a dance, a song, etc.

1. A digital invitation will be made as a postcard that will be sent during the first weekend of October (9-10 October), to local artists (previously selected by the Management of Conservation and Improvement of the Ecosystem). At the same time, they will be sent a script, which will be implemented and filmed by them.

2. There will be 15 days to receive their collaborations (until October 22nd, deadline). In CECA, together with the support of the Comunications area, they will make a general video with all the participations of the local artists (previously gathered by the Conservation and Improvement of the Ecosystem Management).

3. The AMBU will appreciate their collaboration and participation in social networks, where the collaborative video will be projected on October 31st; all together will also be exposed in the small closing event on the same Saturday October 31st (the particular brief of this event will be sent the Communication area as the date approaches), where the final projection will be made and will be released officially, thus demonstrating the complete work of the local artists.

Partner Organizations

  • Metropolitan Agency for Urban Forests of the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara (AMBU)
Event City and Country
Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara, Mexico
Event Date

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