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Gender Equality, Women’s Land and Housing Rights: Bridging The Gap

A major hindrance to women’s economic advancement and effective participation in development activities in many parts of the world, especially the global south, is the traditional resistance to women’s ownership of land and property. Women and girls in Africa are often denied access to land use, inheritance and control of land and private property. It is also important to note that ac cess to land, housing and tenure security for women in Africa is fundamental for the realization of their human rights. Land tenure security is crucial for women's empowerment and a prerequisite for building secure and resilient communities. It offers wom en a way out of insecurity and poverty and is the foundation from which women can support themselves and their children and start to create better lives for themselves and their families. Women and Habitat Africa Working Group is awareness and ask that urgent attention hosting this event. If no one is to be left behind and if we must reach the farthest first to achieve the Sustainable Develop ment Goals by on the rights 2030, then it is time to address and bridge the gaps of women and girls in Africa.

Name of Organization
Habitat International Coalition - Women and Habitat African Working Group
Event City and Country
Online, Nigeria
Event Date

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