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The City of Reutlingen is partner of the two-days event #Climathon(Reutlingen) organized by NextDBI AG and further local governmental and social organizations. We will have participants from all over Reutlingen with different backgrounds - pupils, students, pensioners and working life - as well as variations in ages and talents. They compete in groups to achieve the best solution to their given challenges. These challenges are given by our local partners and are strongly related to the region. The best solution will not only win over the audience after a successful pitch presentation, but hopefully can be actually implemented in the City of Reutlingen. We not only discuss environmental challenges, but provide also training to our participants in Design Thinking and Pitch training and creation. The two days will end with a fun get-together at the convention site, the local Innovation hub called INNOPORT, including vegan catering, special lemonade from local start-ups and hopefully music.
Name of Organization
Event City and Country
Reutlingen, Germany
Event Date

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Event location
POINT (9.216667 48.483334)