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Climate justice in practice in Brazil

"The event aims to promote a multisectoral debate on the implementation of the climate justice agenda in Brazil, presenting examples of concrete actions focused on Brazilian citizens, especially those who are most vulnerable to the climate crisis. One of the initiatives to be explored is the Citizens’ Assembly as an ally in promoting climate justice. This method, an innovation of democratic participation, has been applied in several countries and is well-established in Europe. The panel will also present Curitiba’s experience in implementing a project that brought public lighting, more dignity, and safety to 605 residents of the 29 de Março community. The project consisted of a power grid powered by photovoltaic solar energy for the Community Center, which was renovated. The debate will discuss challenges and opportunities for this agenda to be at the centre of the planning and the decision-making processes in public and private management.For full list of speakers check:"

Name of Organization
ICLEI South America
Event City and Country
Belém, Brazil
Event Date

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